Valley County 2023 Year in Review

Cascade, Idaho – As the year draws to a close, the Valley County Commissioners want to take a moment to reflect on the significant milestones and achievements that have shaped 2023. From planning projects to community initiatives, new personnel to infrastructure upgrades, the county has navigated challenges and celebrated successes throughout the year.

Major planning projects included the completion of the Master Facilities and Comprehensive Financial Plan. The proactive planning documents are the result of a year-long process that included physical facility assessments, stakeholder interviews, several facility scenario options, a County-wide public survey, and review and input from a Citizens Committee. The Plans provide current and future officials with a framework to guide decisions surrounding County facilities and associated financial policies and budgetary allocations.

In addition, the Waterways Management Plan adopted in 2022 won the Idaho APA (American Planning Association) Award for Outstanding Plan. This planning document continues to be vital to making decisions about our local waterways. 

Paired with these formal planning documents, Commissioners and staff continue to work on important community initiatives including housing, broadband, and childcare. Commissioners participated in a national housing initiative that brought representatives from across the country together to share ideas and work to find solutions to housing challenges. The county is also actively involved in the West Central Mountains Fiber Network Taskforce, which is working to secure accessible, affordable broadband internet service in Valley County. There has also been a large focus on early childhood development in 2023, and specific focus on increasing the availability of childcare. While these challenges are ongoing, there has been movement this year on finding pathways toward viable solutions. 

In addition to these key community initiatives, Commissioners continue to be actively involved in local, regional, and statewide organizations, sitting on boards including Central District Health, the Idaho Workforce Council, the Waterways Committee, the Fair Board, the West Central Mountains Housing Trust, the West Central Mountains Economic Development Council, EMS/LEPC/911 Council, as well as State level Councils for Idaho Association of Counties and National Association of Counties.

On the personnel front, Valley County has added invaluable team members in 2023. A new Sheriff, Kevin Copperi, was sworn into office on June 30, 2023, as outgoing Sheriff Patti Bolen retired. The County also welcomed nine community members to serve on the inaugural year of the Recreation Advisory Committee. The Committee commenced in February 2023, and meets monthly to help guide important recreation decisions about amenities, infrastructure, and impacts throughout the county. 

This year the Commissioners also approved several new positions at the county including a third building inspector to help the growing construction demand in Valley County and a new Wildfire Mitigation Manager position charged with focusing on wildfire prevention efforts in the area. 

2023 also brought three appointments to serve on the newly reorganized Valley Countywide EMS District. The previous EMS district had been overseen by the Valley County Commissioners. Under the new structure, three independent appointees will now oversee EMS activities and funding for Valley County. Commissioners Dr. Doug Irvine, Ron Julian, and Travis Smith were officially sworn in on December 4, 2023. 

Valley County infrastructure also had some major improvements this year. The Recycling Center saw a brand new baler purchased and a new roof installed. A the Transfer Site, the county transitioned from burning woody biomass to grinding it, a process that has much less environmental impact. And finally, this December a new Road Department Facility was approved. This new facility will be built off of Gold Dust Lane. This is the first major project to result from the recommendations of the Master Facilities Plan adopted in the fall of 2023. 

We are excited about the work completed in 2023 and look forward to continuing efforts into the next year. 

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

More: Commissioners Announcements