Learn More About Fire Department Impact Fees

The Valley County Commissioners would like to address a topic that continues to rise to the surface of community conversations: Fire Department Impact Fees.

There has been frustration expressed about the slow nature of developing a program like this and while that frustration is understandable, a methodical, diligent, and thoughtful approach to developing this program is imperative for its sustainability.

Here are the facts:

  • In June 2022, a fire department impact fee proposal was presented to The Board of County Commissioners for approval. (link plan)
  • After legal review, on October 4th Resolution 2022-01 was approved creating the Joint Development Impact Fee Committee. (link resolution)
    • The Joint Committee consists of Valley County, McCall Fire Protection District, and the Cascade Rural Fire Protection District.
  • Since the resolution was adopted, the Joint Development Impact Fee Committee and Board of County Commissioners have been moving through the legal process to initiate impact fees on behalf of the fire districts.
  • This is a lengthy process. It takes time to ensure that all steps are followed to create a legal program that can withstand potential future legal challenges.
  • The Board of County Commissioners will implement the impact fees once the full program structure is in place and taxpayer funds are protected from legal challenge.
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