County Acquisition of AmeriTitle Building May Save as Much as $15 to 20 million Over Life of Master Facilities Plan

Valley County officials are in the process of negotiating the final terms of a purchase and sale agreement to acquire the property often referred to as the AmeriTitle building, at 700 S. Main Street, in downtown Cascade. The nearly 13,000-square-foot building could accommodate much of the immediate and future space needs cited for a future County Courthouse in the County’s Master Facilities Plan (MFP) adopted last year.

A new 38,000-square-foot Courthouse was determined to be the second facility priority in the County MFP. Even after minor remodeling and refurbishing to meet the needs and requirements for a public entity, the $3.3 million acquisition of the AmeriTitle building could save the County $15 to 20 million over the cost of constructing a future Courthouse expansion.

Commissioner Sherry Maupin said “The facilities plan identified sub-standard office spaces for our employees. Many are in offices with no windows and needed ventilation. This will allow a better work environment for our County team.”

“The Master Facilities Plan, adopted last year, quantified our future space needs,” said County Clerk Doug Miller. “Knowing that, we can confidently take advantage of this opportunity that will allow us to continue to serve our community at a reduced cost to taxpayers.”

County Treasurer Johanna DeFoort added “With the Comprehensive Financial Plan, also adopted last year, we’re already on a path to fund needed future facilities. This opportunity allows us to address space needs in a fiscally responsible way.” She pointed out that “not only will this save the County millions of dollars in capital costs, it will also partially mitigate the need to lease temporary facilities, easing the burden on residents seeking services as well as employees.”

The County Prosecutor’s Office already leases space in the AmeriTitle building, having run out of room in the existing Courthouse. The County will continue to seek alternative space to fill immediate needs in the event an agreement cannot be reached with the seller, a Nevada limited liability corporation.

The first update to the Master Facilities and Comprehensive Financial Plans will take place in spring of 2024 and will continue annually going forward.

More: Commissioners Announcements