The 911 Communications Center is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for 911 calls placed in the City of McCall, Cascade and Donnelly and all of Valley County. Dispatching is provided for Valley County Sheriff, McCall Police Department, McCall Fire and EMS, Donnelly Fire and EMS, Cascade Fire and EMS, we also work in conjunction with the Payette and Boise National Forest Services, Southern Idaho Timber Association, Valley County Probation, Idaho Department of Corrections Parole, Idaho State Police, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Valley County Groomer, Valley County Search and Rescue, Air Ambulances, all city and county Public Work entities and surrounding County Law Enforcement Agencies.
Stambaugh, David - Captain
Copperi, Kelly - Communications Sergeant
Myers, Megan - Communications Corporal
Public records are available to persons requesting a copy. In order to best serve the public and to process your request for public records as expeditiously as possible, all requests to examine or copy public records must be made in writing. Pursuant to Idaho State Code 9-338(8), all requests made are subject to a copy and/or processing fee which may be required prior to receipt of record(s).
Valley County Sheriffs office offers full service for State issued drivers license and identification cards.
Stambaugh, David - Captain
Huskey, Brandi - Civil Service Supervisor, Records & Evidence Custodian
Scott, Nichole - Civil Clerk
Brodhecker, Nicole - Civil Clerk
The Assessor’s Office functions as a service to you, the taxpayer. We strive to serve all property owners courteously, fairly and equitably. In addition to developing assessments our office provides current assessment plats and ownership information taken from public records. We also provide Department of Motor Vehicle licensing and titling in our Cascade DMV office.
Gossi, Deedee - Chief Deputy Assessor
Frederick, Laurie - Cadastral Specialist
The Building Department provides information and building permits to commercial and residential builders in our jurisdiction. This department does not cover the City of McCall, their impact area, or the City of Cascade; the City of Donnelly contracts with Valley County to perform inspections within their city limits. It is the mission of this office to make the permitting process as easy as possible. All current building codes and ordinances relating to Valley County Building Department are available for viewing at this department. Please refer to the building permit instructions below for additional information about inspections and permitting.
Derrick, Annette - Building Official
Boyd, Tony - Building Inspector
de Lannee de Betrancourt, Marsha - Permit Technician
Bowlden, Gordon - Building Technician
Provide quality customer service, and assist the public in locating County records.
The Recorder is primarily involved with recording documents related to property. Many types of licenses are available through our office, such as: Marriage, Liquor, Beer, Wine and Catering Permits.
Miller, Douglas - County Clerk
Knapp, Gabrielle - Chief Deputy Clerk, Payroll
Clingan, Rheta - Senior Deputy Auditor, Accounts Payable
Limbaugh, Kandiss - Deputy Auditor, Accounts Receivable
Elliott, Robyn - Deputy Recorder
The Court Clerk’s Office is primarily involved with filing civil and criminal pleadings. All fines and costs ordered are processed through this office. Please contact our office for assistants.
Miller, Douglas - County Clerk
Knapp, Gabrielle - Chief Deputy Clerk, Payroll
Zwinkel, LeeAnne - Court Clerk Supervisor
Angier, Tammy - Jury Commissioner
Our mission revolves around our three core values: Accountability, Competency Development, and Community Protection.
Phillips, DeeDee - Director of Court Services & Pretrial Monitoring
Ryan, Steve - Community Service Coordinator, Unsupervised Probation, Adult Diversion
Lafay, Jacques - Adult Probation
Wilson, Molly - Adult Probation
Buys, Nikki - Juvenile Probation Officer
The primary goal of our Detention Center is the safe, temporary custody of persons subject to incarceration in the Valley County Detention Center.
We accomplish our mission by providing the highest quality Detention Services possible with the resources provided to us. At the Valley County Detention Center we consistently strive to add value to our community by insuring the utmost security and safety of all inmates and the public.
Stambaugh, David - Captain
Lacroix, Michael - Detention Lieutenant
Mclaughlin, Richard - Detention Sergeant
Nelson, Ryan - Detention Corporal
Scott, Justin - Detention Corporal
Gams, Michelle - Detention Corporal
Valley County Human Resources strives to promote a positive and respectful workplace where we all work together to provide service to our citizens by being transparent, accountable and responsive.
Savoie, Michael - Human Resources Director
The mission of the Valley County IT Department is to deliver efficient, reliable, and cost effective information technology solutions to meet the expectations of the communities we serve. The IT Department is customer focused, whether the customer is the public or county employees.
Wilcox, Jeremy - Director
Spargur, Tamara - IT Support Technician
Williamson, Dillan - IT Technician
Noxious weeds pose a serious threat to all Idahoans and to the land we call home. Control and managing Idaho’s 67 noxious weed species requires an understanding of the problem, and that begins with detection and identification of noxious weeds.
Anderson, Steven - Weed Department Supervisor
Valley County is a popular resort community and as such the population fluctuates greatly, especially during the spring thru fall holiday weekends.Our deputies are involved in many community projects, both with kids and adults.We are involved in a wide range of duties beyond normal calls for service which include: forest patrols, avalanche forecasting, back country search and rescue, marine patrols, ATV and UTV patrols, snowmobile patrols, highway traffic enforcement, civil service, court security and many others.
Stambaugh, David - Captain
Knapp, Richard - Patrol Sergeant
Turner, Kevin - Recreation Supervisor
The Valley County Planning and Zoning Department offers many services and enforces a multitude of ordinances and codes. Our mission is to provide friendly and efficient service to the public and coordinate with other jurisdictions.
Herrick, Cynda - Director
Hunter, Lori - Planner II
Costello, Tod - P&Z Technician
Smith, Hannah - Permit Technician
Naugle, Brian - Prosecuting Attorney
If you are looking to get outdoors and experience all that Idaho has to offer, Valley County is the place to be. With ample recreational opportunities available in every season, being bored isn’t an option. We invite you to learn more about the different types of recreation in our area then come and experience it all for yourself
Bingaman, David - Recreation Planner
Amen, Danny - Recreation Coordinator
Road and Bridge currently maintains 731 total road miles. 245 miles of paved surface and 486 miles of gravel or native soil surfaces. 76 Nationally Registered Bridges with many additional non-registered bridges due to their small size. This maintenance is spread over 3,733 square miles including High Valley and the areas of Warm Lake, Yellow Pine, Big Creek, Bear Valley, Deadwood, and Trails End. Most Back Country Roads are closed through the winter and melt off in the spring. Yellow Pine and Johnson Creek can be accessed year round using the South Fork Road.
McFadden, Jeff - Superintendent
Ellis, Mickee - Administrative Assistant
Sechler, James - Supervisor
The mission of the Valley County Sheriff’s Office is to consistently contribute to our community’s reputation as a safe place to live, work and play.
Stambaugh, David - Captain
Knapp, Richard - Patrol Sergeant
Lacroix, Michael - Detention Lieutenant
Copperi, Kelly - Communications Sergeant
Huskey, Brandi - Civil Service Supervisor, Records & Evidence Custodian