Outline a county-wide and city-wide vision for waterways management and identify waterway-specific goals and desired future condition to provide a framework for future decision making.
Provide a variety of recreational experiences consisting of a system of lakes, reservoirs, and rivers with a focus on Payette Lake, Lake Cascade, Warm Lake, and river reaches above Lake Cascade.
Balance environmental sustainability with the recreational experience by developing keystone indicators based on best available scientific data and existing research.
Consider trends in recreation, visitation, population growth, and land use and management.
Create an adaptable management structure to address continued visitation and changing water quality with monitoring and indicators for the implementation of data-driven best management practices and regulations to maintain the desired future conditions of each waterway.
Identify priorities for short-term action and long-term goals.
Create a grassroots-based plan centered on our community, stakeholders, committees, agencies, and leadership.
Does not provide for any original environmental data collection on scientific measures (e.g. erosion, water pollutants, etc) as this is being collected by other agencies.
Does not result in immediate restrictions or regulations.
Is not lead by individuals or single special interest groups but community conversations.
Does not include detailed design for recreation facilities as these will need further studies.
Agency partners will be key to the plan development, but any policy or rule changes will be needed to be adopted by them through separate processes.