Fairgrounds Proposal

Request For Proposal for Market Research and Strategic Master Plan Design Services

Valley County Fairgrounds

Issued: 02/05/25

Proposals Due 03/10/2025
Optional Pre-proposal Meeting and Tour As requested
Valley County Single-Point of Contact

Commissioner Sherry Maupin

Proposal Submission

Attn: Valley County Board of Commissioners
Valley County Fairgrounds & Event Venue Market Research & Strategic Master Plan

PO Box 1350
Cascade, ID 83611

1. Procedural Information

1.1 RFP AVAILABILITY:  The Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is available electronically through the Valley County website www.valley.co.us. Any/all future notices regarding this solicitation, including solicitation addendum, will be posted to www.valley.co.us.   

1.2 RFP Definitions:

A/E Team: Architecture/Engineering team consisting of design professionals and consultants who produce coordinated document packages; also known as the Design Team
Intent to Award: Written notice prior to signing of a Contract that shows the selection of a Contractor.
Notice to Proceed: A notification letter from the Owner addressed to a Contractor stating the date on which the Contractor can begin Project Work.
Proposal: A competitive offer, which is binding on the Offeror, in which price, delivery, and conformance to drawings and specifications and the requirements of the Request for Proposal will be the predominant award criteria.
Proposer: An individual, firm, or corporation which submits a Proposal in response to a contracting agency's request.
Responsive Proposal: A Proposal that substantially complies with the RFP and all prescribed procurement, procedures, and requirements.
Specifications: That portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equipment systems, standards, and workmanship for the Work, and performance of related services.

1.3 Procurement Process

This RFP process has several component steps that include, but may not be limited to:

(i) RFP Notice published at www.valley.co.us; (ii) Optional Pre-proposal Tour; (iii) Question and Answer Period; (iv) Addendum issued (if applicable); (v) Receipt of Proposals; (vi) Proposal Evaluations; (vii) Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners; (viii) Notice of Intent to Award Issued; (ix) Contract Processing; (x) Contract Signed by Board of County Commissioners; (xi) Notice to Proceed Issued.

1.4 Optional Pre-Proposal Tour

An optional Pre-proposal Tour will be held. This tour is designed to clarify the information contained in this RFP and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. Attendance at the Optional Pre-proposal Tour shall be determined by the presence of a signature of the Proposer’s representative on the sign-in sheet at the tour. This tour will be scheduled at Proposer’s request.

An optional Pre-proposal Tour will be held. This tour is designed to clarify the information contained in this RFP and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. Attendance at the Optional Pre-proposal Tour shall be determined by the presence of a signature of the Proposer’s representative on the sign-in sheet at the tour. This tour will be scheduled at Proposer’s request.

1.5 RFP Procurement Law

This RFP is issued under the provisions of Idaho Code § 67-2806A. All Proposers are charged with presumptive knowledge of the cited authorities. Submission of a valid proposal by any Proposer shall constitute admission of such knowledge on the part of such Proposer.

1.6 Clarification of Responses

Valley County reserves the right to request additional clarification from a Proposer on any portion of a Proposal. Proposer may not submit new information or documentation, nor may a Proposer use a clarification to rehabilitate a non-responsive Proposal. Proposer’s point of contact must be available during the evaluation period to respond to requests for additional clarification. Proposers shall submit written signed clarification(s) within two (2) business days after receiving the County’s request. All requests for clarification and responses shall be provided to each evaluator. A Proposer’s failure to provide clarification may result in a lower score for the proposal.

1.7 Rejection of Proposals and County's Rights

Any proposal may be rejected if it is conditional, incomplete, or deviates from specifications in this RFP. By submitting a proposal, the Proposer agrees to meet all the requirements set forth in the RFP, unless specific exceptions are noted in Proposal. Valley County reserves the right to accept any part of the proposal and not be obligated in any way to accept those parts that do not meet with the approval of Valley County. Valley County reserves the right to waive, at its discretion, any procedural irregularity, immaterial defect or other impropriety not warranting rejection of the proposal. Any waiver will not excuse a Proposer from full compliance if awarded a contract. Reasons for rejecting any proposal will be supplied to the Proposer. Valley County reserves the right to seek additional proposals beyond the final submission date, if, in County’s sole discretion, the proposals received do not meet the approval of Valley County.

1.8 Cost of Preparation of Response

All costs incurred in preparing and submitting a Proposal or in negotiating and signing a Contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Proposer. Any due diligence conducted by a Proposer is at the Proposer’s expense. 

1.9 Proposal Confidentiality

All proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of Valley County and may be utilized in any manner and for any purpose by Valley County.  Be advised that proposals and all documents submitted in response to this RFP are subject to public disclosure as required by applicable state and/or federal public records laws.  If you intend to submit any information with your proposal which you believe is confidential, proprietary or otherwise protected from public disclosure (trade secret, etc.), you must separately bind and clearly identify all such material. The cover page of the separate binding must be red, and the header or footer for each page must provide as follows: “Not Subject to Public Disclosure.” Where authorized by law, and at its sole discretion, Valley County will endeavor to resist disclosure of properly identified portions of the proposals.

1.10 Publicity

Any publicity giving reference to this project, whether in the form of press releases, brochures, photographic coverage, or verbal announcement, shall be done only after prior written approval of the Valley County.

1.11 Modification or Cancellation

Valley County, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to modify or cancel this RFP in whole or in part. If modification or cancellation is determined to be in Valley County’s best interest, all Proposers will be notified in writing of the specific reasons for such modification or cancellation. Statements made by Valley County’s representatives are not binding unless issued by written addendum. In no event, shall Valley County have any liability for the modification or cancellation of this RFP.

1.12 Disputes

In case of any doubt or differences of opinions regarding the items or service to be furnished hereunder, or the interpretation of the provisions of the RFP, the decision of Valley County shall be final and binding upon all parties.

1.13 Proposal Amendment or Withdrawal

A Proposer may amend or withdraw its Proposal any time prior to the proposal closing date and time. Proposals may be withdrawn in writing on company letterhead signed by an authorized representative if received by Valley County before the Proposal closing. Proposals may also be withdrawn in person before the Proposal closing upon presentation of appropriate identification.

1.14 Proposal Period of Irrevocability

Proposals shall be offers that are irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the date Proposals are due.

1.15 Proposal Ownership

All documents, reports, submittals, working papers or other material submitted to Valley County from Proposers shall become the sole and exclusive property of the County, the public domain (except for materials deemed to be excluded as trade secrets), and not the property of the Proposers. Proposers shall not copyright, or cause to be copyrighted, any portion of any said documents submitted to the County as a result of this solicitation.

All documents, reports, submittals, working papers or other material submitted to Valley County from Proposers shall become the sole and exclusive property of the County, the public domain (except for materials deemed to be excluded as trade secrets), and not the property of the Proposers. Proposers shall not copyright, or cause to be copyrighted, any portion of any said documents submitted to the County as a result of this solicitation.

1.16 Authority

Proposals must conform to the requirements of this RFP and be signed by a person who is authorized to make such commitments on behalf of the Proposer. Proposer’s signature constitutes a certification that the Proposer has read and fully understands all Proposal terms. No consideration will be given to any claim resulting from proposing without comprehending all requirements of the Proposal Documents. 

1.17 Responsiveness

Proposals lacking required signatures will be deemed “Nonresponsive.” Valley County may disqualify Nonresponsive Proposers from further evaluation.

1.18 RFP Questions

Proposers may request additional information or clarifications by submitting a written request. The request shall specify the provision of the RFP in question and contain an explanation for the requested information or clarification. Valley County will evaluate all requests submitted but will not be obligated to accept requested changes. Questions shall be presented via email to the Single Point of Contact listed above and must be received by date and time as outlined in this RFP.


2.1 Purpose, Overview and Program Elements

The Valley County Fairgrounds sits on an 8.11-acre parcel located within the Cascade city limits. The property has a rodeo arena with covered bleacher style seating area and four small out-buildings used to house and show livestock during 4-H events and the county fair. The northernmost portion of the property is used by the Valley County Road Department, consisting of equipment storage buildings, a mechanics shop and offices for road department employees. The Valley County Road Department will be moving its offices, shop and equipment storage to another location in 2025.

The purpose of this RFP is to select the most qualified team for the following Program Elements:

  1. Explore current market conditions, customer demographics, and future trends impacting the event and fair industry; and to help prepare and plan for the future of the Valley County Fairground property. The selected firm will be responsible for providing a detailed analysis of potential growth areas, revenue enhancement opportunities, and strategies for operational improvement.
  2. Develop a comprehensive written and graphic master plan for the Valley County Fairgrounds that provides a well-defined, clear, actionable strategy for the future development and use of the overall facility. Master plans shall include conceptual designs for a full buildout of the entire 8.11 acre parcel utilizing the space currently occupied by the Valley County Road Department. The master plan should consider renovation and repurposing of existing structures or alternatively, demolition and reconstruction of more modern and useful buildings. Valley County desires to create an Event Venue that will accommodate both a Fair venue and year round activities on site. 
    Valley County intends to execute a contract for services outlined in this solicitation and reserves the right to contract for continued and/or additional services with the same successful Proposer at the County’s sole discretion. Valley County’s decision on whether to proceed with the selected Proposer will be based on the Team’s performance. 
    Additional services which may be added to the scope of this procurement include:
    • Facilities Condition Assessment.
    • Additional professional analysis supporting the Facility Condition Assessment: including phased approaches for asset development, overhead costs related to operating and servicing the Facility, and variable cost structure for the market and business model.

2.2 Performance Measurement Process

Parties will negotiate the Performance Measurement Process after contract negotiation, which will be based on how well the successful Proposer meets the performance schedule and provides deliverables for all.

2.3 Project Goals

Valley County will show preference to Proposers that demonstrate successful experience in the design of Fair or Fairgrounds properties, Multi-Purpose Public Assembly facilities, campus master planning, and work with government agencies. Design Teams may be comprised of local, regional, and/or national firms, but should be prepared to conduct on-site meetings with stakeholders.

The Successful Proposer shall be responsible for the performance and coordination of its work and that of other team members which may include, but are not limited to, the following practices: structural engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, interior design, low voltage/technology design (audio/visual consulting, electronic security consulting), physical security design, landscape architecture, and third-party cost estimating. 

Valley County desires to foster a collaborative team and design approach. The Successful Proposer will be responsible for working closely with the Valley County Board of Commissioners and the Valley County Fair Board to develop plans, specifications, and cost estimates. The Successful Proposer may also work with staff from other County offices and departments, including but not limited to the Valley County Facilities Department, Valley County Road Department, Valley County Prosecutor’s Office and others to accomplish the Project objectives. In addition, the Successful Proposer will be expected to prepare and attend public presentations and to provide information for the Valley County Board of Commissioners. 

2.4 Statement of Work:  Valley County Fair Market Research and Strategic Master Plan (Part 1)

The initial portion of the project seeks to explore current market conditions, customer demographics, and future trends impacting the event and fair industry; and to help prepare and plan for the future of the Valley County Fair property. The selected firm will be responsible for providing a detailed analysis of potential growth areas, revenue enhancement opportunities, and strategies for operational improvement.

2.5 Statement of Work:  Master Plan Design Services (Part 2)

The second portion of this project will include the development of a comprehensive written and graphic master plan for the Valley County Fairgrounds facility, with the goal of the final outcome being a well-defined Master Plan offering clear, actionable strategy for the future development and use of the overall facility. Master plans shall include conceptual designs for a full buildout of the entire 8.11 acre parcel utilizing the space currently occupied by the Valley County Road Department. The master plan should consider renovation and repurposing of existing structures or alternatively, demolition and reconstruction of more modern and useful buildings.

2.6 Program Deliverables

The successful Proposer will:

  1. Provide a single report detailing the results of a detailed Market Research Study focused on current market conditions, customer demographics, and predicting future trends for the next five years.
  2. Development of Strategic Master Plan and Conceptual Estimate

2.7 Program Timelines

  1. Market Research (Part 1): Within six (6) months of executed contract
  2. Strategic Master Plan (Part 2): Within Twelve (12) months of executed contract. 


3.1 Contract Negotiation

The successful Proposer will be required to enter into a Valley County Professional Services Contract with Valley County. If the County and the top ranked proposer are not able to negotiate a contract, the County will initiate negotiation with the second-place Proposer, and so on.

3.2 Contract Award

Through this RFP process, Valley County is seeking to award one contract award, as determined by the County, to the Responsible Proposer whose Proposal the County determines is most advantageous to the County based on the evaluation process and evaluation factors described in this RFP.

3.3 Contact Team

The contract term shall be one (1) year. Valley County shall have the option to renew this contract until the Project is completed and reviewed/approved.

3.4 Compensation and Method of Payment

Valley County shall pay for services based on a Not to Exceed (NTE) payment model. A not-to-exceed price ceiling shall be determined during contract negotiations.

3.5 Insurance Requirements

The successful Proposer awarded a Contract will be required to provide insurance as detailed in the Professional Services Contract.

3.6 Incorporation

All representations made by a Proposer in response to this RFP, whether verbal or written, will be incorporated into any agreement between Valley County and the successful Proposer.


4.1 Proposal Evalution Criteria and Scoring

Evaluation of Proposals received in response to the RFP will be conducted comprehensively, fairly, and impartially. Structured quantitative scoring methods will be used to maximize the objectivity of the evaluation. The Evaluation Committee of designated reviewers shall review and evaluate Proposals. The Evaluation Committee will be composed of individuals with experience in, knowledge of, and program responsibility for program service and financing.

Scoring breakdown and evaluation criteria for the written evaluation is detailed below:

EVALUTION CRITERIA Subtotal Points Maximum Points
1.  Key Personnel - 35
    (A) Team Shared Experience 15
    (B) Task Assignments 10
    (C) Continuity 5
    (D) Organization Chart 5
2.  Relevant Firm Experience and Project Team - 25
    (A) Regional Knowledge and Experience 15
    (B) Experience 10
3.  Project Goals and Recommendations - 20
4.  Project Approach - 10
5.  Schedule Management - 5
6.  Project Cost Control - 5
Total 100

4.2 Proposal Questions Instructions

Proposals that do not include responses to each requirement or question in each Proposal Element may be rejected. Proposers shall respond to each Element specifically and completely unto itself, i.e., do not indicate “see next section” or “see attachment.”

4.3 Proposal Questions

  1. Key Personnel (35 points maximum this section)

1A. Team Shared Experience.  Identify shared project experience of Proposed team. Provide a grid view of firm and/or individuals’ experience on common projects for the following Program Elements:

  • Market Research
  • Master Planning
  • Fair/Fairgrounds or Multi-Purpose Public Assembly Experience

1B.  Task Assignments.  For each Program Element, clarify the sequence of major tasks, who would perform them, and at what point key involvement by Valley County would be expected and for what purpose. Also address the following:

  • How will key team members work together to achieve the significant tasks need for the Project?
  • How will the A/E team manage and coordinate multiple team members to ensure a high level of quality control throughout all phases of the work?

General Information