Post Your Address

Please post your address numbers at your driveway and your house!

If you call for help, you want emergency services (ambulance, fire trucks, and Sheriff vehicles) to show up as quick as possible. Properly marking your house helps that to happen and keeps people from driving up the wrong driveway. Packages from UPS and FedEx are delivered much easier if the driver can find your address.

  1. All dwellings in Valley County are required to have their street numbers posted (Title 5-4-8).
  2. Address numbers should be placed on all homes to be visible from the road at the point of entry.
  3. If the home is not visible from the road, then the address needs to be posted on the home AND at the driveway entrance in an area where it is visible year-round (i.e. not hidden by snow or plants).
  4. Numbers shall contrast with their background (i.e. contrast with the house or post color)
  5. Numbers should be at least 3 ½ inches in height.
  6. Numbers shall be visible during both daytime and at night from the road.

Numbers and plaques can be purchased at local stores or online. If you have any questions about your physical address, contact Valley County Planning & Zoning at (208) 382-7115

General Information
Permit Technician
Hannah Smith
Code Compliance
Tod Costello
Planning and Zoning Administrator and Floodplain Coordinator
Cynda Herrick, AICP, CFM
Planner II
Lori Hunter
Phone Numbers
(208) 382-7115
Fax: (208) 382-7119
Emergencies: Dial 911
219 North Main Street
PO Box 1350

Cynda Herrick, AICP, CFM

Lori Hunter
Planner II

Tod Costello
Code Compliance

Hannah Smith
Permit Technician

Planning & Zoning Commissioners:

Ken Roberts
Carrie Potter
Heidi Schneider
Brad Mabe
Ben Oyarzo

Pay P & Z Fees Online