Juvenile Probation Mission Statement
Our goal is to help youth successfully complete the terms of probation and reduce recidivism by utilizing evidence-based supervision strategies that focus on competency development, accountability, and community protection. This goal is accomplished with the probation officer building positive relationships with youth, effective family engagement, community connections and partnerships.
Parent/Guardian Roll: The parent roll is a partnership with juvenile probation. When a youth is sentenced by the court, a juvenile probation officer is assigned to monitor and help the youth comply with their court-ordered terms. These may include, not limited to, detention, community service, substance abuse testing, participating in programs, restitution, letter of apology to the victim, positive peer or leadership projects, and payment of fees. The parent/guardian will have opportunity to have input on these court-ordered terms as guided by the probation officer. As well, parent/guardian and the probation officer will work together on case management goals. Family participation is important to the process.
As a parent/guardian of a youth whose case is in the Idaho juvenile justice system, you have certain responsibilities.
Failure of the parent/guardian compliance with the court-ordered terms may result in an Order to Show Cause (OSC) hearing. Maximum penalties of an OSC if found guilty, are sentencing to serve up to 5 days in jail and/or $1000.00 fine.