Building Department Announcements

Make sure driveway is plowed for your inspection

Just a friendly reminder that your driveway should be plowed for your inspection.  If the weather is very bad, inspections may be postponed to another day.

No Email Application Submittals

Until further notice, we will not be accepting applications for a building permit BY EMAIL.  Please mail or bring your applications into the office.  Sorry for any inconvenience. 


Please note that changes to building plans MUST be approved by the owners in writing before we will review and approve them.  

What size plans? Please, not smaller than 18x24" and no larger than 24 x 36"

Plans need to be printed at least 18x24" and the largest our office will accept is 24 x 36".  You can submit these other sizes as well: 8-1/2 x 11", 11 x 17", or 18 x 24".  Larger plan sets are subject to being refused at the front counter.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  

Development Impact Fee beginning Nov 16, 2023

Building permit applications for new residential units and new non-residential units (commercial) will be subject to added fees if they are within Valley County’s jurisdiction and one of the three fire districts: Donnelly Fire District, McCall Fire District, and Cascade Fire District.


The fees are collected by the County and sent to the Fire Districts.   Any questions regarding the new impact fee, or the Capital Improvements Plans should be directed to the Fire Department’s Impact Fee Administrator.


Below is a chart of what the fee is for each district and who to contact with questions.  The Valley County Building Department staff will not be able to assist with any questions or concerns.  We simply collect the fee together with your building permit fee.  Nonpayment of the impact fee will result in a delay in the issuance of the building permit.   

Cascade Rural Fire District
Development Impact Fee
New Fee
Impact Fee-New Residential (per unit)$2,891 per unit 
Impact Fee-New Non-Residential (per foot)$1.16 per foot

 Fire Department Impact Fee Administrator:

Pam DeChambeau,

Phone: (208) 382-3200

Donnelly Rural Fire District
Development Impact Fee
New Fee
Impact Fee-New Residential (per unit)$1,796 per unit
Impact Fee-New Non-Residential (per foot)$0.72 per square foot

 Fire Department Impact Fee Administrator:

Juan Bonilla,

Phone: (208) 325-8619


McCall Rural Fire District
Development Impact Fee
New Fee
Impact Fee-New Residential (per unit)
$1,845 per unit
Impact Fee-New Non-Residential (per foot)
$0.74 per square foot

Fire Department Impact Fee Administrator:

Amanda Keaveny,

 Phone: (208) 634-7070

Print this: Impact Fee PDF

No Pictures in Lieu of Missed Inspections

Please be advised that it is the policy of the Valley County Building Department not to allow pictures in lieu of missed inspections.  Please be sure to call in your inspection at least 24 hours prior to requested inspection date.  If you have any questions about required inspections for Valley County, please refer to the Inspection Requirements pamphlet or call (208) 382-7114.  Inspection Requirements

No Email Application Submittals

Please submit your applications with paper plans in person, or by mail, only.  What size?  At least 18x24" and no larger than 24 x 36 inches.  Please take a moment to be sure your design criteria and roof snow load on your plans and engineering are correct and match each other.  Check that your plans have been stamped by a design professional (architect or engineer).  Please feel welcome to contact our Building Permit Technician with any questions.  Or refer to our Application Instructions checklist.  Incorrect, incomplete submittals may be returned.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  

Owner Signature Required On Building Permit Application

Owner Signature is required on the building permit application.  If you are a Contractor or an Authorized Agent preparing the application for the Owner, please also sign.  

General Information
Building Official
Annette Derrick
Phone Numbers
Fax: 208-382-7119
Emergencies: Dial 911
219 North Main Street
PO Box 1350

Please Be Advised
We are not currently accepting permits via email. Please mail in your permits or drop them off at our office in Cascade.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

Building Department Email