Judge's Fishing Day

Judge’s Fishing Day began in 2007 and is sponsored by Valley County Court Services in partnership with Senior Judge, Hank Boomer and Valley County Magistrate, Monte Berecz along with volunteers and businesses who donate their time and resources (boats, fishing equipment, food and prizes) to make a difference for these kids and the community.

This program targets kids who “have hit a bump or two on the road of life”. Half a day of fishing with probation officers, law enforcement, Fish and Game Officers and other positive community adults along with the two judges, can help with communication and understanding between young and not so young, and, in some instances, inspire young people to do constructive things with their lives, all while sharing the joy of fishing and boating.

Judge’s Fishing Day is held early fall at Cascade Lake.  Please contact Sylvia Ryan at sryan@co.valley.id.us  for details or if interested in donating your time and/or resources.
