Elections FAQ

Disclaimer: The information contained in these pages was valid at the time of publication.  The Election Department/Recorder/County Clerk reserves the right to modify, updates, change or make improvements at any time, without notice, and assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, or discrepancies.

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About Voter Registration
Who can register to vote?

You may register to vote if you meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • A citizen of the United States
  • Resident of Idaho for at least 30 days before the day of the election
  • At least 18 years of age as of the next election
  • Not in prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony
When can I register to vote?

In order to be pre-registered for an upcoming election, you must register to vote no later than the 25th day prior to the election. If you miss the deadline to pre-register, you can still register at the polls on Election Day or at Early Voting. You can find out where your polling place is using this GIS map.

How can I get a form to register to vote?

You may register to vote online at Begin My Voter Application 

Or by filling the form and returning to:
Be aware that you'll need to include a copy of your Photo ID & proof of residency when mailing or emailing your registration.

  • By mail: Mail your completed mail-in registration form to

Valley County Elections
PO Box 1350
Cascade, ID 83611

  • In Person: visit the Valley County Recorder’s Office at

219 N. Main Street
Cascade, ID

May I register to vote at my business address or may I use my PO Box number?

No. A person may only register to vote at his or her place of residence. A business address or a PO Box may only be used as a mailing address.

When is it necessary to re-register?

When you move, change your name, or have not voted in the last 4 years. Your voter registration should always reflect your current residence address.

What if I just moved and did not re-register? Will I be eligible to vote?

If you were previously registered within Valley County and moved within the County’s borders, you can vote at the polling place for your new address. You should bring your Idaho Driver’s License, Idaho State ID Card, US Passport, Tribal ID or Concealed Weapon Permit issued by a county sheriff in Idaho with your current address and proof of residency that includes your name and your current residence:

  • Above photo ID with the correct address
  • Proof of insurance
  • Mortgage, lease, or rental agreement
  • Property tax assessment, bill
  • Utility bill (no cell bills)
  • Bank/credit card statement
  • Paystub/paycheck
  • Intake document to a care facility
  • Enrollment letter from an Idaho high school or university
  • Letter from a social service agency
May I sign a petition if I am not registered to vote?

No. You must be a registered voter for your signature to be valid on a petition. If you complete a voter registration card on the same date or a date prior to signing the petition, your signature will be valid. The elections official must receive the completed, signed voter registration card on or before the date the petition is filed with the elections office.

Questions about Absentee Voting
How can I vote an Absentee/Vote by Mail ballot?

Rather than going to the polling place to cast a vote on Election Day, you may request an absentee ballot. Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot. Simply select one of the following options:

  • Online: Request your absentee ballot at voteidaho.gov
  • By phone: call the Elections Department at (208) 382-7143 and we will mail you an Absentee Ballot Request Form
  • In Person: visit the Valley County Recorder’s Office at 219 N. Main Street, Cascade, ID to complete an Absentee Ballot Request Form
  • Email: elections@co.valley.id.us to request an Absentee Ballot Request Form
I received an Absentee Ballot Request form from a political campaign. Is this legal to use?

Yes. Individuals, organizations, and groups may distribute Absentee Ballot Request forms; however, they must use the standard format as specified in the Idaho Elections Code. Election officials are not responsible for the applications returned to these groups. To ensure your ballot is mailed to you in a timely manner, it is recommended that you mail or bring your application directly to the Elections Office.

When do I apply for an Absentee Ballot?

You must request your ballot every year in order to vote absentee. You may request your ballot annually for all elections occurring that year. You may also request your ballot for individual elections. Absentee ballot requests must be received by the Clerk's office by the 2nd Friday before an election.

When is the last day to return my Absentee Ballot?

Absentee ballots must be received in our office by the elections officials no later than the close of polls (8pm) on Election Day.

How do I turn in my Absentee ballot?

You may return it by mail to:

Valley County Clerk’s Office
PO Box 1350
Cascade, Idaho, 83611

or in person between 8-5 M-F at:

Valley County Clerk’s Office
219 N. Main St
Cascade, Idaho, 83611

McCall Courthouse Annex
550 Deinhard Ln
McCall, Idaho, 83638

Ballots must be RECEIVED by 8pm on Election Day, regardless of post-marked date.

If I request an Absentee ballot, can I change my mind and still vote at my polling place?

Yes, but please bring your absentee ballot to the polling place and surrender it to the poll workers. The poll workers will spoil your Absentee ballot and issue you a new ballot. If you do not have your Absentee ballot to surrender, you will be allowed to vote; however, Idaho Code 18-2307 states someone making “an attempt to vote more than once at any election, is guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Questions about Early Voting
Where can I vote early in Valley County?

Early voting takes place at the Valley County Courthouse, 219 N Main St, Cascade, Idaho 83611. 

When is early voting?

Early voting begins the third Monday prior to an election and ends the last Friday prior to an election. That's a two-week window available from 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Mon-Fri.

Is my vote counted early?

No. Ballots voted early are kept secured in their locked ballot box and are not counted until election day.

I missed the pre-registration deadline. Can I still vote early?

Yes. You can register and vote same day at Early Voting. Just bring your valid photo ID and proof of residency with you.

Questions about Voting
Where do I go to vote? Where is my polling place?

Call the Elections Office at (208) 382-7143 to verify your Precinct (or) use our GIS Map to find your Precinct

Polling PlacesPrecincts

American Legion Hall Post 60
105 E. Mill St
Cascade ID 83611

West Mountain
Donnelly Bible Church
159 FW Gestrin St
Donnelly ID 83615
Idaho First Bank
475 Deinhard Ln
McCall ID 83638
Mail OnlyYellowpine
It’s just a few hours before the election, and I have suffered a medical emergency. Is there any way for me to vote?

The Elections staff will try our hardest to accommodate emergency situations which occur within 96 hours of the election. Call (208) 382-7100 to inquire about possible accommodations, including home delivery of your ballot. 

What are the poll hours of operation?

County Election polling locations are open from 8am to 8pm on Election Day.

Why was my polling place changed?

In Idaho, there are no permanent poll sites. Locations may change from election to election if a facility previously used is not available for a particular election. Less commonly, changes to precinct boundaries may sometimes occur when precincts are consolidated or realigned, especially for local elections that are not statewide.

If I do not know what to do when I get to the polling place, will someone help me?

Yes. Ask the election workers to help you with the voting process. Poll worker cannot, however, help you in making decisions on your voting choices.

Can I vote for someone whose name is not listed on the ballot?

Yes, if the person is a certified write-in candidate. Only votes for certified write-in candidates will be counted. You may ask an election poll worker or call the Elections office at (208) 382-7143 to inquire if someone is a certified write-in.

General Information
Elections Coordinator
Kierstin Oxford
(208) 382-7107
Phone Numbers
(208) 382-7143
Fax: (208) 382-7107
Emergencies: Dial 911
219 N. Main St.
PO Box 1350